CMC-CA digital signature installation guide

Ngày đăng: 15:11 - 24/12/2021

Install meddleware on Windows 

After plugging the USB token into the PC, if the PC has not installed middleware, the USB will run automatically or the customer can open File Explorer, select CD Drive: CMC-CA double click on the file autorun.exe

Cài đặt middleware

Click Install to proceed with the installation

Chọn ngôn ngữ

Click "OK" to continue, then a dialog box to download and install the remote software will appear.

The installation is done automatically.

Cài đặt middleware

Hoàn tất cài đặt middleware

Click the "Finish" button to complete the installation. Upon successful installation, Token Manager will automatically run up.

Giao diện Token Manager

When the USB token has not changed the default password, when plugging the token into the PC, it will be warned asking to change the password as shown below.

Đổi mật khẩu

When the USB token containing the digital certificate is about to expire, when plugging the token into the PC, it will be warned about the expiration of the digital certificate and a dialog box suggesting renewal of the digital certificate as shown below.

Cảnh báo chứng thư số sắp hết hạn

When the USB token containing the digital certificate has expired, when you plug the token into the PC, you will be warned about the expiration date of the digital certificate as shown below.

Cảnh báo chứng thư số hết hạn

Token Manager management functions on Windows 
Hardware Information USB Token

Giao diện thông tin phần cứng USB token

Change Token password

Đổi mật khẩu token

B1: enter the old PIN code

B2: enter new PIN code

B3: enter new PIN confirmation

B4: press the "Accept" button, the program will change the PIN code of the Token. In case you want to delete the old PIN and new PIN information, confirm the new PIN code and press the "Cancel" button.

Send forgot pin request remotely

Gửi yêu cầu quên mã pin từ xa

Step 1: Select the name to send the request to forget Pin code can be "Personal" or "Organization"

Step 2: Enter information “ID card” if it is an individual or “MST” if it is an organization, then enter the contact email

Step 3: Click the "Send Request" button and an OTP will be sent to the contact email

Step 4: Enter the OTP code and press the "Confirm" button to authenticate the OTP code. If the OTP is valid, the PIN will be reset to default 12345678

Activation of digital certificates

After successfully registering a digital certificate on the TMS RA system, the TMS RA system will send the Activation Code to the Customer via the registered E-mail. Customers use this Activation Code to activate the Digital Certificate installation:

Step 1: Select the menu "Register for certificates", here if you have not logged in to USBToken, you will receive a message asking you to enter the USBToken PIN code to log in.

kích hoạt chứng thư số

Step 2: Enter the Activation Code (Received via E-mail after successfully registering the Digital Certificate on the TMS RA system) to get the information required to issue the previously registered Digital Certificate

Nhập mã kích hoạt gửi mail

Kiểm tra thông tin chứng thứ số

Step 3: Check the information, if the previously registered information is correct, press the "Accept" button to install the Digital Certificate into the USBToken


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