To install the Token management program, users should do the following:
Step 1: Turn off all browsers in use on the computer to be installed. Plug the USB token into the USB 2.0 port on your computer or laptop.
Step 2: Then the virtual CD drive will appear, double-click the file viettel-ca_pki_token.exe to continue installing the Token management program.
Step 3: Select Install
Step 4: Firefox browser will automatically run. In the notification in Firefox browser, click Allow to let USB Token Viettel integrate into the browser.
Notice of successful registration of Vittel-CA USB Token on Firefox browser. Then close the browser and continue with the installation.
Step 5: Select Finish to finish the installation.
After installation is complete, the logo of Viettel-ca will appear:
Run the program you have 2 ways as follows:
- Method 1: Double click on Viettel logo on Notification Bar.
- Method 2: Follow the instructions:
Go to Start Programs, select Viettel-CA -> Viettel Token Manager
After running the program, the Token interface of Viettel-CA will appear as follows:
So you have successfully installed the management software on the USB token provided by viettel digital signature.
You can also watch: "Instructions on how to install viettel's digital signature" via the video below: